MEso Hydro Cleanser 22

A deep cleansing milk that cleanses and moisturises the skin at the same time ,delays the aging process with an anti-oxidant organic compound (Tocopherol). The skin looks vibrant and moisturised with H22.
此 深 层 清 洁 乳 液 可同 时 洁 肤 及 抗 老 (含 Tocopherol,有 机 化 合 物 抗 氧 化 剂)。使 用了H22 之 后,肌 肤 充 满 生 气 及 湿 润。
22 B


Pump a few drops onto the palm, scrub circulary onto the face. Rinse off with water until your face is totally fresh and clean.
把 少 量 的 泡 泡 打 在 手 掌 上 ,圆 形 式 轻 柔 脸 部 ,之 后 用 大 量 清 水 冲 洗 直 到 脸 部 清 新 洁 白 。
Active ingredients
Cucumber extract, Sweet almond oil
Volume: 150ml 
R.S.P. = USD42

Traveler Set & Trial Pack

MEso Traveler Set
Combination (19/35ml, 52/20ml, 50/10ml, 81/10ml) + H20 (10ml) 
Suitable for combination skin with white head/comedo & black head
R.S.P. USD53
Oily Acne (19 /35ml, 20/20ml, 50/10ml, 81/10ml, 55/5ml) + H20 (10ml) 

Specially formulated for acne and acne prone skin 

R.S.P. USD64

MEso Traveler Set

Serum & Gel

MEso Stem Cell Ampoule S1 (Swiss - Anti aging series)
Contains stem cells of Centella Asiatica, which has strong anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyaluronidasic. It is claimed to possess a wide range of pharmacological effects, being used for human wounds healing, mental disorders, atherosclerosis, fungicidal, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-cancer purposes.
S1 (Copy)


Apply 2 to 3 pumps of Hydro-Cleanser 22 onto your pump and scrub the face circularly,rinse off with running water until the face is totally clean and fresh.
抽 取 2 至 3下 Hydro Cleanser 22,然 后 以 圆 形 式 轻 柔 脸 部,之 后 用 大 量 清 水 冲 洗 至 到 脸 部 清 新 洁 白 。
Active ingredients
Coconut oil , Helianthus annuus seed oil , cucumber extract , Tocopherol
Volume: 200ml 
R.S.P. = USD42

MEso Scrub Whitening 52

To scrub away dead skin cells, refine and whiten the skin make it soft and supples. (Suitable for dty and combination skin.)
有 效 的 去 除 死 皮 表 层 , 黑 头 及 美 白 作 用 。( 适 用 於 干 性 及 混 合 性 皮 肤 。)
MEso Scrub Whitening 52

Product Safety

MEso's Commitment to Product Safety
MEso is committed to upholding the highest standards of safety for all the products it makes and sells. We adhere to the most rigorous standards for product safety so that our customers can purchase and use our products with complete confidence.
travel kit3d


Apply on affected area avoiding eyes.Leave to dry for approximately 1 min. Add some water (preferably warm water) and rinse on the affected area. Thereafter,wash off with running water. (Do not use for acne infected face.)
Active ingredients
Jojoba Esters, Diatomaceous Earth
Volume: 70ml 
R.S.P. = USD45

MEso Bio-Active Serum B5+ (30% more concentrated)

Bio-Active Serum B5+ extracted from Artichoke leaf has been proven of its efficacy in pore minimising, skin whitening and lifting just within a day time. It is used as an starter and booster for the problem skin. (Suitable for all skin types.)
Bio-Active Serum B5+ 被 证 实 能 有 效 的 在 一 天 内 解 决 毛 孔 粗 大 ,美 白 及 皮 肤 下 垂 之 问 题 。通 常 它 被 当 着 问 题 皮 肤 的 加 强 剂 使 用 。

MEso Hormones de Ampoule H1

To strengthen the female hormones level which indirectly enhances skin rejuvenating, repairing, regeneration of collagen and Hyaluronic Acid which delay the aging process dramatically.
提 高 女 性 荷 尔 蒙 水平,间 接 中 增 进 再 生 能 力 ,修 补 能 力,胶 原 组 织 及 玻 尿 酸 的 产 量 ,大 大 的 延 迟 了 肌 肤 老 化 的 过 程 。


After cleansing, apply Washing Cream on theInfected area avoiding eyes. Leave to dry for approximately 3 min. Add some water (preferably warm water) and rinse off the affected area.Thereafter, rinse off with running water. Suitable for day and night usage. (Normal Reaction: slight dry feeling.)
Active ingredients
Sulfur Zinc Oxide, Sodium PCA
Volume: 70ml 
R.S.P. = USD45

MEso Refreshing Toner pH5.5

Meso Refreshing Toner pH5.5 balance skin pH to natural skin pH 5.5. Besides that, it also sooths & brightens skin tone evenly for the whole face. (Suitable for all skin type especially sensitive skin)
Meso pH5.5 清 新 紧 肤 水 平 衡 肌 肤 硷 度 至 pH5.5 。除 此 之 外 ,更 使 肌 肤 舒 缓 及 光 滑 。( 适 用 於 各 种 肌 肤 尤 其 是 敏 感 肌 肤 。)
MEso Refreshing Toner pH5